Play Scripts in Spanish

We have more than 150 play scripts in Spanish (complete and free to read and use) that you can use as an example to write your own, or to act them directly without having to pay us!

Most of our scripts are easy and short, so they are really good for kids and students that don’t speak Spanish as their first language. We have play scripts in Spanish for kids, middle school & high school, college and adults.

Every play is created around a broad topic that you can see clearly in the title (for example: «love») and also details the number of actors so you can choose something that fits your needs.

How to get started? You can visit our homepage to see the latest play scripts we have published, or use the search form in the right sidebar (use keywords in Spanish please).

You can filter using the number of actors:

…or the type of play:

As we said, most of our scripts are short, but you can also check long play scripts here if you need to have longer plays.


If you need more help to start or you don’t know what kind of play you want, here we put a direct link to some of our play scripts, but with the title translated to English so you can understand right now what they are about…

List of play scripts in Spanish

Please leave a comment below if you don’t find the type of play script you need, we will try to help you to find it or we even might make a new one! You can write in English if you want 🙂

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